Once you have chosen your call recording plans for each or all users/phone numbers, along with the optional extras, you will be directed to the Dubber Connect order confirmation page, providing you with a summary of your order.
From here, you can confirm the details of the order and enter your payment and billing details.
Review the summary of your call recording order
Next, you’ll need to provide your Customer Information. Enter your first name, last name, phone number and organization name (your email address cannot be changed as it is defined by your Cox Business MyAccount login credentials)
IMPORTANT: the organization name you enter will be the name of your account, so be sure to name this accordingly, for example, your company/organization name.
Next, you will be required to enter your Billing Information. Enter the first and last name on your credit card account, followed by the card number, security code (CVV number), and expiry month and year
Lastly, you need to enter your Billing Address.
Accept the terms and condition
To complete the order, click on the ‘Place My Order’ button. This will change to show that the order is being processed.
Next, you’ll be shown an order confirmation page for your purchase. During this time, your Dubber and Cox Business accounts will be created, enabling call recording for your chosen users/phone numbers. For IP Centrex, all Handsets will automatically reboot (even handsets not associated with any call recording plan). Any handsets currently in use will reboot once they return to an idle state. For Unify Apps and Web Consoles, it is recommended that each user logs out and back in to update the system configuration and to display the new call recording options and buttons for each enabled user.
From this point forward, all of your call recording account management will be done from the Dubber Web Application.
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